We cordially invite you to join us on Sat. June 25th @ 1:00PM–2:00PM for speeches, awards, and student performances! RSVP here.

If you are interested in attending, please RSVP by Fri. June 10th:
若您有意願出席廣教畢業暨頒獎典禮,請於6.10 日前賜覆
Visit our donation page to support our scholarship fund or yearbook production:
For more event details, please continue reading below!
Congratulations KKCS Graduating Class of 2022!
We’re proud of all that you’ve accomplished! Well done!

Top-left to bottom-right:
Angela Chen 陳婉馨
Jolie Chen 陳綺琪
Gordon Chik 戚其毅
Sau-Lok Ma 馬守諾
Sau-Yin Ma馬守言
Archer Ou 欧卓佳
Nicole Sun 孙蓉蓉
Martin Wong 黃健晉
Albert Zhang 張宏紳
Event Program
12:30PM | Guest Check-in |
1:00PM | Lion Dance 祥獅獻瑞 |
| Opening Remarks 董事長致詞 |
| Guest Speakers 來賓致詞 |
| Graduate Speech Sau Lok Ma 畢業生代表發言馬守諾 |
| Progress Achievement Award 最佳進步獎 |
| Stellar Talent Award 最佳才藝獎 |
| Dulcimer & Guzheng Performance 揚琴表演 |
| Awards for Afterschool Students |
| Kung Fu Performance 功夫表演 |
| Words from Level 7–8 Teacher 畢業班老師寄語 |
| Family Wishes 家人祝福影片 |
| Fiona & Isla Powers Singing 學生表演 |
| Excellent Effort Award 成績優異獎 |
| Academic Excellence Award 品行優異獎 |
| Sponsor Acknowledgements |
| Highest Achiever Award 品學兼優獎 |
| Graduates Singing 畢業生大合唱 |
| Closing Remarks 副董事長致辭 |
2:00PM | Refreshments |
Student Award Categories
Weekend Program
One student from each language class will be selected to receive:
Academic Excellence Award 成績優異獎
Progress Achievement Award 最佳進步獎
Excellent Effort Award 品行優異獎
Highest Achiever Award 品學兼優獎
Stellar Talent Award 最佳才藝獎
Afterschool Program
Two students from each class will be selected to receive:
Academic Excellence Award 成績優異獎
Progress Achievement Award 最佳進步獎
We will also recognize students who have been accepted to Boston Exam Schools!
Have Questions? Contact us.